Expect a Suddenly
Acts 2:2
And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind , and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
One thing I know, God knows how to make an entrance! I love the use of the word suddenly. It comes from a Greek word that means it was unexpected. As Christians, we know about faith, which means expecting or having complete confidence.
The disciples and other followers of Christ, 120 in all, were gathered together praying in the upper room. It's believed that they were praying for ten days before the Holy Spirit arrived. And what were they praying? For the arrival of the Holy Spirit! And, yet when He arrived, they were caught off guard. The Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost, which was no coincidence. It was the day appointed by God since eternity began.
The 120 were praying, and suddenly the Holy Spirit arrived. My point is this, "Expect a Suddenly!" No matter what your need is, Jesus has an appointed time for your miracle to arrive, He is not caught off guard by your need, Jesus will come suddenly. And even when you expect Him to answer your prayer, we are always surprised when it suddenly happens.
He is: El-Hakkavod
The God of Glory