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God's Campaign Promise July 4

II Chronicles 7:14

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

If I were to ever run for president this would be the first line in my national economic plan. My strategy to get elected.

One president yell’s, “Change!” another “Make America Great Again!” I would yell:

“II Chronicles 7:14”

You see it’s not up to the president to change our country, it’s up to the people, we the people need to change our hearts. Fortunately, God has brought this down to a personal level giving everyone the ability to ask for His help in their time of need.

For several years I set up signs on the side of the road and prayed for people. My Pastor, Paul said it best, “How much hurt can a person be going through that they would drive up to a stranger and ask for prayer? The answer is a lot.”

He understood what the Lord was doing, I witnessed it first-hand time & time again, people completely broken, with no-way-out, receive a miracle from God.

Why? Because at a certain point they humbled themselves, putting away their pride, asking God for help. He’s a God of second chances.

He is: El-Moshaah

The God Who Saves



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